Some companies do great BIDS.
We hate doing bids! But we do great fireworks shows. Sometimes the bid looks really good on paper but the show was not nearly as spectacular as the book read.
hat is because there is more then ingredients. Go into the store and look at what makes up Ice Cream, or Chocolate. Many times the ingredients are listed the same, but the same ingredients by name lead to an end result that is so much different.
e are selling not a list of ingredients, but a performance. A performance that is made on the foundation of safety, built with the best products available, and assembled by a team that loves every second of it. All while using the latest technology and systems available to make it all come together.
When you get a bid, it will list 100 of "these", 1000 of "those", 20 of "that". All of that on paper is good to compare next to another bid. The problem is many times the bid is a "reality distortion field", It sits on the desk long before the display, and after the display it a long time before another one. Many of our customers do not even know what is in the show as far as the material list. (Think about it, do you know what notes are being played when you go to a concert??). But they love our shows and know the way they "feel".
So we invite you to contact us, we will let you contact our customers, talk to them. What we did in the past is so much more important then a list of products we claim to use in the future. And remember safety is all that matters in a public display, it more important then anything else & much more important that "these", "those" and "that".
o if you need a bid on paper, we will of course provide that for you. But designing and executing your show is where we will really will spend all our time and resources. We hope we can earn your business.
What Really matter is that FE knows how to get from here:
To Here:
10 years straight!